Virtual Drawing Classes
Join me on a virtual drawing class whenever you can to release some creative flair and practice your drawing style.
Has it been a while since you picked up a pencil?
Don't worry, these classes are beginner-friendly with the aim to make you remember how fun and therapeutic drawing can be. Don't expect masterpieces, because they take a lot of time to learn, but judging by the current climate, that might be a possibility by the end of it.
Use this platform to connect with others and use drawing as our muse. Whether you have a piece of paper, some (spare) toilet roll, or the back of an envelope, we are fortunate enough to not need much to enjoy the benefits of drawing.
Sign up so I know who is coming and I can prepare the sesh appropriately. If you decide you cannot make it please let me know so I can allocate the slot to someone else.
How much is it do I hear you ask?
Well if you are coming to the weekly sessions, the first one is on me! After that, please find an option for a contribution depending on what you feel :).